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- ¿Cuáles son los elementos claves? (p. ej. dormitorios, baños, servicios, estilo)
- ¿En qué se diferencia tu propiedad? (p. ej. piscina, vistas a la montaña)
- ¿Qué atracciones hay cerca? (p. ej. acceso a la playa, pistas de esquí)

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MEACres Sea

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Cres Legends:

Vrana lake 

    There is a legend that Lake Vrana was a large field where two sisters called Gavranka lived. One of them was rich and lived in a castle, and the other one was poor, and lived in a modest cottage. The rich sister was very evil and cruel to her poor sister, so the God punished her by earthquake and flood. Her castle was then destroyed by those natural disasters, and the ruins of it can still be seen at the bottom of the lake, and also sometimes, during a storm, you can hear the bells ringing from the water. 

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